Officers of the Lodge

Worshipful Master - W. Bro. Bill Watson

Senior Warden - W. Bro John Banks

Junior Warden - W. Bro. Barry Louder

Immediate Past Master - W. Bro Clive Hallett

Chaplain - W. Bro. Barry Macey

Treasurer - W. Bro. Phillip Hindle

Secretary - W. Bro. Richard McAllister

Director of Ceremonies - W. Bro. Malcolm Carswell

Almoner - W. Bro Tony Youell

Charity Steward - W. Bro. Clive Hallett


Membership Officer - Bro Barry Louder


Lodge Mentor - W.Bro Dale Abercrombie

Senior Deacon - Bro. Bryan Warren


Junior Deacon - Bro. Ryan Roper

Asst. Director of Ceremonies - W. Bro. Dale Abercrombie

Asst. Secretary - W. Bro. Tony Youell

Inner Guard - Bro. Matt Harrison

Tyler - Bro. Colin Yalden